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Colette Glazik


Colette Glazik is a lawyer by training, a food and fibre producer by practice, a design thinker by principle and for nature by purpose.

During five years as sheep farmer in the Midlands of Tasmania, producing wool and meat, she became curious about the carbon footprint of production. Delving into international frameworks, government policy and consumer preferences she became interested how these impacted farmers on the ground.

Awarded the 2022 Australian Wool Innovation Nuffield Farming Scholarship, she has travelled the world looking at a diverse range of agricultural supply chains, governments and corporations, researching sustainability and ways to improve environmental outcomes in production. Ten years of involvement in the wild Tasmanian abalone industry has also given her insight into the sustainable management of wild fisheries in a changing climate.

Colette currently consults to businesses and industries providing training in carbon literacy and assisting them to explore their supply chains and practices to find opportunities for improved environmental outcomes.

Colette will be speaking at Conversations in the City stream ‘Seeds of Transformation’ on Friday 2nd of August.